There I was 1988 Christmas. I was excited because this was going to be the year I would receive the best Christmas present of all time. I was sure it would be there. I would wake up Christmas morning come down stairs and a light from above would shine down on one present. THE PRESENT! The Nintendo Entertainment System. It would not be my first game system. I had an Atari, and a Commodore 64. But this one had the greatest graphics that ever were. Mario looked like a real little man! While this was a great selling point, and I couldn't wait to save the princess, the real reason I was excited was the NES Power Pad. I was going to get in shape. With the Power Pad you could run, jump and exercise your way to a trim body. I was going to use it every day. It would make me stronger, more attractive to the opposite sex. It was the answer to all my woes.
It was not. By New Years I was using my hands on the pad to beat the running times and it got more use as a place for our cats to piss then for anything like a work out. I never got buff, and I didn't get Christine (my grade school crush), but I can beat Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda with my eyes closed.
However, Wii fit will change me forever. I'm going to use it everyday. I'm going to track my weight loss and watch my little Mii grow smaller and smaller. A trainer (look how
real she looks) is going to push me "your doing great, keep up the good work." I will be able to beat Twilight Princess with my eyes closed, but this time my body will be tone. If Christine could see me now!
With this post I'm not only pushing the limits of my new body, but attempting to win a Wii Fit to help me on the way. Check out more at Magpie Musing.
1 comment:
a Nintendo fan from way back, huh?
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