Being married to my wife for eight years now I have come full circle with understanding the subtle difference between our families. When you arrive at my aunts house you know that you are arriving within 10 minutes of everyone else. Depending on the state of football, or planed shopping spree for the weekend you may get a "hi". At my wives grandparents house they arrive slowly throughout the day, with a warm greeting. "How are you?" "How are things going?" These questions are ask with sincerity, even if you have seen them the night before. At the house of family quickness the food is just enough. My aunts have made an increasing effort and perfected the art of just enough food. Very little leftovers, and just the right amount of seconds. Its' an amazing computation that is performed days before and executed with the skill of a mathematician. There are days and days of left overs at the "normal house." They beg you to take some with you, or eat just a little more of your fourth serving, so everything can fit in the fridge. After lunch/dinner with very little conversation, my family gets together and picks names for Christmas (one person gets one person a gift). Once this is done we began the stare down. This is also began around the same time at the house of family togetherness. While my family is just waiting for the first one to leave, so the others can funnel out quickly and quietly, again within 10 minutes; the Cleavers are just waiting for the first one to put on the "comfys", or pajamas so the others can follow suit within 10 minutes. Continuing the conversation and family time.
Both familys full of triptiphan find them selves full and happy and feeling good about the time spent with eachother as the night comes to an end. I love both and wonder at other familys Thanksgivings and differences we all share with new families.
1 comment:
The normal family missed you very much this week!
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